ADHD Entrepreneur Will Henshall: Breakthrough Success in a Creative Niche
ADHD entrepreneur Will Henshall has been a chart topping musician, a serial tech startup founder. He knows that ADHD employees are a company’s most valuable asset.
VAST Diversity archives of posts related to symptoms of ADHD
ADHD entrepreneur Will Henshall has been a chart topping musician, a serial tech startup founder. He knows that ADHD employees are a company’s most valuable asset.
Electronic music with bird sounds? High intensity european metal music? Why this is actually the right choice for ADHDers to increase focus and productivity.
Hyperfixation, sometimes called the ‘Superpower’ of ADHD and autism, is the ability to focus intensely on a task while losing track of time. A definition of hyperfixation needs to include the on/off switch to this hyperfocused state.
Insomnia Light Therapy can treat a delayed circadian rhythm, the most common cause of insomnia in adults with ADHD. The latest research and recommendations on using Bright Light Therapy for insomnia.
A quick test for ADHD and the painful symptom of rejections sensitive dysphoria.
With adult ADHD, being tired and hyper at same time is the norm. Even though you are tired, getting to sleep is a major issue.
I didn’t realize undiagnosed adult ADHD was keeping me awake.
VAST (Variability Attention Stimulus Trait): Creative innovation with an adventurous spirit. The big picture & benefits of adult ADHD.
The ADHD brain look at the world a different way.
VAST minds are creative visionaries, passionate artists, bold explorers, deep thinking poets, independent entrepreneurs, and many other personalities.